Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Don't point your grip that way!

I was reading a list of 100 tips from a photographer, (other photographers lists of what is important always interests me) which included "chicks dig photographers" and "natural light is the best" and "Everyone with a camera thinks they are a photographer." I enjoyed this list until I got to one item on the list... 

"People with DSLRS who shoot portraits with their grip pointed downwards look like morons."

I say, "Does it REALLY matter?" I don't care if you are new or a veteran to photography.  Shoot however you feel most comfortable. I am not interested in how goofy you may or may not look while taking a photograph, I am only interested in if you can get the exact photograph you were aiming for. What matters is which way is more steady to the individual. It could vary due to a hand injury or just whichever hand is the strongest, or the crazy pose you have to be in to get the angle you want.

I never paid attention to how I have held the camera by default until I read that recently. I point it up because I find it more natural to hold it that way. If it felt more natural to hold it the other way, you bet I would point my grip down!  I do know that there have been some situations where the lighting required a little extra support when I didn't have a tripod so when I rested an am on something it was to my left and others to my right which did effect what direction my grip pointed. I just went with whatever was the most comfortable in the moment to get the shot I wanted.

The truth is, there is no right or wrong way to do this. In the end the direction in which your grip is pointed has no effect on the end result of your image! So I am left wondering why some people feel the need to put others down because of something SO SIMPLE.

Ok maybe it might look awkward but if the person holding the camera prefers it that way,  but who is anyone else to judge? Why can't they enjoy what they are doing and focus on getting the image that has captured their imagination and not on how others feel they look when holding the camera? Why do some feel the need to put anyone down or feel that they are better than others simply for the fact that they hold their grip a certain way? Don't suck the joy of photography from someone by putting them down.

Lets stop judging others in how they go about making art and instead focusing on the important parts, the happiness creating gives them and the beauty that results from their efforts.

I say go photograph any way you want to and whatever feels more natural and comfortable to you as an individual! Whatever way makes it easiest to hold the camera steady, and above all, have fun and enjoy it!

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