Sunday, August 31, 2014

How to get the images you want from your session!

People who hire photographers all want the same thing; to have images they love. It is very common for people to want images they love but have no idea what they want. I have talked to many photographers and people who have hired photographers and these are just a few of the issues they have talked about.

To ensure your happiness there are a few things you should look at before hiring a photographer.

1. Their style
Make sure you love their work and style of photography and editing. This may sound silly, but many people don't look at a photographers work and only what their price list looks like. Yes, price is important but it should not be the only factor.
This is especially important because if you hire a photographer who's work you've never really looked at and only want them for their price, you will not be satisfied with the final images. Both you and the photographer will end up frustrated and unhappy.

2. Their personality
If you don't know the photographer you want to hire, that's ok! You can almost always schedule a short meeting to discuss the session. The outfits, settings, what you want, what to expect, and talk over any questions you might have. Doing this helps you to get to know your photographer and make your session even better. It only takes a short 30 minute meeting to go over this info and get a feel for each other.

Not getting to know your photographer is one of the biggest mistakes people can make!  It might seem silly to meet and talk for a half an hour but it will make a world of difference when it's time for your session.

3. Their Prices
Of course price is important, you want to make sure you can get what you want without breaking the bank. Just keep in mind that while price is important, it shouldn't be the only thing on your list. Go to their website and look for a list of prices before you hire them. Do not think a special deal/sale price written on a card from a year ago might still be valid. It will just make things awkward when they have to tell you the new rate. Along with this, also know your budget.

4.  Have an idea of the end results you want and let them know!
There are many times in our lives we want to have photos taken to remember a time in our lives. Each time we image exactly how it's going to be when we get the photos taken. Express that to your photographer, they have no way of knowing what you imagine unless you do. If it's a senior session and you haven't seen images for years and really have no idea of what you want, take a look on pinterist. Look up poses, backgrounds and settings,  etc. Even if it's just a general idea or pose, let them know.

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